Time just stopped
The moment you crossed
my path.
That instant.
Your rounded face
Phi unlimited
unreal, so human.
You where not yet
The person you are
Quantum physics
where happening
at the external frontier
of the Universe its self.
From the outside in,
the wholiness of everything
just before entering
Space an Time
Entering the inside,
The Self.
Quantum Physics
Crossing the path
of my life.
From the ouside in
the Universe itself.
You becoming myself
Just before
you became You
away, from yourself.
Everything that is
at the external borders
of this Cosmos we know,
the Universe to be
at the instant,
that same instant
just before entering
the Time
and the Being.
That fulliness of
The Wonder…
Crossing my Path.
Time stopped,
that instant,
just to start existing.
Who was the wisperer?
Now you are the distant
loneliness that lies
outside this black hole
so full of light that
all the Time that is,
that was,
that will be…
right there
at that moment
when you crossed my Path.